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our faith

What We Believe

     At Dorr Bible Church we recognize that there are multiple different belief systems in the world, and what we believe is important. However, we also recognize that in a group of believers thoughts and beliefs will always vary. It is with this in mind that we preach and exercise unity to protect ourselves against the dangers of division.


     Here, we pride ourselves not on traditionalism, empty rules, or superficial standards. Instead, we believe the Christian life is about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and that God's Word is sufficient for everyone. We believe that the Bible was preserved and inspired by God and is His love letter to mankind. Within its pages we find God's standard for morality, His free gift of salvation, His unconditional love for mankind, and so much more. 


Below you will find a listing of all our core beliefs. This of course does not reveal all our doctrines or teachings. If you have any questions regarding these beliefs please contact us and we would be privileged to speak with you. 


Sola Scriptura 

Scripture Alone

Our Fundamental Doctrines

  • We believe the Bible is the perfect and infallible Word of God. Because of this, scripture alone is the authority over a Christian's life. God is not the author of confusion, He is the creator of language, and He knows how to communicate clearly to us. 

  • We believe that God has progressively revealed His will, and thus has dealt with mankind differently throughout history. It is for this reason we recognize various dispensations throughout scripture. â€‹

  • We believe God consists of three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. â€‹

  • We believe that mankind was created in the image of God and sin brought forth both a physical death, and spiritual death. â€‹

  • We believe that Jesus was the Messiah, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, endured the cross, was buried, rose again, and offers salvation to anyone who believes upon Him. â€‹

  • We believe salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ alone. It is not through any work or merit on our behalf. â€‹

  • We believe that the church is a body of believers and God's primary tool to doing His work and fulfilling the Great Commission to preach and teach the Gospel across the world.

  • We believe in the premillennial Prewrath, imminent Return of Jesus Christ for his bride the Church.  This event, often called the rapture of the church is the next prophetic event to happen in the Biblical timeline and could happen at any moment. 

  • We believe that all mankind (great and small) will stand before God at the end of time and only those who have placed their trust in the finished work of Jesus for the salvation of their souls will enter the "rest" of God. All others will endure eternal death "separation" from our Holy God in the Lake of Fire which was prepared for Satan and his demons. 

Where We Stand On Controversial Topics

  • Foreword: At DBC we emphasize unity first in all things so that we may be of one accord. Here, you will find a list of teachings in our church and in an effort to avoid any confusion or disunity, we have chosen to be forthright on our website so that you know what will be taught at our fellowship. 

  • Baptism: We believe we are first baptized by the Holy Spirit, and one may choose to go forward with water baptism as an outward symbol of their inward cleansing. 

  • Alcohol: We do not believe it is a sin to imbibe, but only to be drunk. However, we ought not to be a stumbling-block to our weaker brother so engage wisely. 

  • Translations: We believe there are good and bad translations of God's Word and one ought to use one that is both accurate to the text and the author's meaning. Although we are an Independent Bible Church, we do not teach any form of King James Only-ism. 

  • Headship: We believe the husband is a head of the home as Christ is the head of the church. However, this means a mutual submission must take place. As the church submits to Christ so does Christ submit to the church. Husbands/Fathers ought to lead first by a humble example of godliness. 

  • Sexuality: We believe sexual relations are to be only between husband and wife. Although all are welcome in our fellowship for the teaching of God's Word, we do teach that homo/transsexuality is a sin against God. We all sin and come short of the glory of God and therefore none of us are better than the other. Regardless, sin is never part of His perfect will for mankind. 

  • Music: We don't believe in restricting the saints to any particular style of worship music. At DBC we sing anything from old fashion hymns to modern praise and worship music. Our only desire is that the Lord is praised in both Spirit and in Truth. 

  • Politics: We keep our focus on God at church. Our pastor doesn't endorse any candidate personally nor will we teach a political position behind our pulpit, unless of course, the political topic overlaps with a biblical one. Otherwise we keep church the church. 

  • Abortion: We believe this not to be a political topic, but a moral one. Our church teaches that each life is a sacred creation made in the image of God and that it is God who forms us in our mother's wombs, and therefore we teach and support a Pro-Life position. 

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

2 Timothy 2:15

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